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higher self meditation

Introducing higher self meditation

Higher self meditation is a type of meditation used to make a connection, with your higher self. It is one of the most valuable things you can do with your time. Spending time in meditation intentionally opening up your mind for guidance from your higher self will immediately improve your relationship to your life. This is one of the first things I suggest experimenting with if you are interested in exploring how intention and self-awareness develop.

‘Higher self’ centers around the idea that your conscious self connects to a universal life force (the universe, god, “I AM” energy, spirit energy, etc.). By being open to connecting with this energy, often through focus, or meditation, you can both experience your connection w your higher self and gain wisdom and spiritual strength.


Benefits of higher self meditation

By stepping out of your ego-centric focus and into a more expansive creative ‘listening’ state’, a person can begin to experience an innate flow from within. They can begin to experience a more interconnected state and not just get stuck with thoughts bouncing around inside their heads. The ability to switch your perspective from singular to inter-connected is powerful. We all can do it, but often we forget.

When we open up and allow our perspective to shift to a more expansive listening state, our thinking mind begins to relax. A more cohesive and better aligned right/left brain synergy begins to occur. Whether you’re more inclined to view this as a neurological function or a spiritual one is less important than getting comfortable integrating the higher self connection in your life. A higher self connection promotes a deeper sense of grounding. Some general attributes are: calming, listening, creative problem solving, thinking “outside the box”, flow state, gratitude, intuitive, inspiration, promote ‘a-ha’ moments, and much more.

different approaches to higher self meditation

There is more than one way to deepen your relationship with your higher self. Whether you prefer a traditional method like sitting mediation or something non-traditional (maybe ironing shirts is the way for you), it’s helpful to notice what works best for you. In this article we will explore this subject through different lens. We will touch on “flow state”, higher self meditation, prayer, channeling an other activities that connect us with our higher or universal selves. Some spiritual practices directly connect with the higher self, such as in the Buddhist tradition. In contrast, others that use prayer, such as in Christianity, may not connect directly. Still, I see prayer as a perfect example of creating space for a deeper connection and dialogue with the higher self.

My experience with higher self

I’ve connected with my higher self in several different ways. As an artist I am aware of the dramatic difference between when I am connected to inspiration, and when I’m not. During the act of creation when I was able, I follow my inspiration while drawing or using stream-of-consciousness to find interesting patterns or new combinations of colors, symbols, or methods to express ideas/emotions. When I was actively practicing tai-chi chuan, I would spend hours scanning my body and allowing the chi in my body to lead my focus and awareness, like watching waves at the seashore.

Once I got started…

When I began to meditate more seriously, I experienced the layers of my awareness slowly peel back to reveal yet another deeper layer. I discovered a more inter-connected experience of ‘self’ which continued to amaze me. When I began to mix the passive practice of meditation with the more active practice of channeling (channel words, or noticing the colors that came to my attention), I was amazed at how subtle yet precise my experience was.

When channeling, I both watch and act at the same time. Listening and speaking words as they were coming out of my mouth. When I channel for others, (basically channeling a message to them) I engage with feeling my energy, feeling their energy also, and feeling the words as they flowed out of my mouth. How this relates specifically to higher self meditation? Experiencing “higher self” as a shared experience between two people, at an inter-connected universal level.

As you can see, I’ve explored several variations of connecting with the higher self. Even still, I feel I would like my connection to be stronger and deeper. Sometimes I look back on my day and I wonder why I didn’t choose to be more connected with my higher self, why I didn’t strive to be in the flow. It’s easy to forget to stay connected. Yet, it’s always available when we choose to be open to its power and support.


Common questions about higher self meditation

Here are some questions in relation to higher self meditation: How do we compare and contrast the higher self in relation to our more present everyday self? what is higher self meditation, and how it can be experienced? What is the actual function of connecting with yourself and others from the position of the higher self? How do we experience deeper levels of consciousness, how do we connect and ‘stay connected’?

I will explore how the higher self fits into the history of both traditional spiritual practices and everyday activities we have in our lives. I will also explore different ways of connecting with the higher self, spiritual practices, as well as look into creating personalized daily routines for connecting with our higher self.

My goal is to shed light on the life-altering possibilities and intimate connection that is made possible by developing a relationship with your higher self. life has so much to offer us, if we choose to notice and be open to its positive influence.


What is higher self?

What are some ways of considering the meaning of ‘higher self’? ‘Higher self’ implies a variety of ways to look at yourself, who you are, and what you are made of. There is a concept in meditating culture that often talks about peeling back layers of consciousness to discover a deeper self. By continually peeling back the layers, the idea is that we can witness a deeper sense of awareness. I have experienced this, and it’s a valid way to explain a common experience people have when meditating regularly.

We can also look how we experience ourselves at any given moment. How we judgment of ourselves concerning our community, family, friends, job position, etc. The amount of money we make, how successful we see ourselves. Then there is a way to experience ourselves where our sense of self comes from feeling our lives from an internal viewpoint. Often people mitigate this type of experience to a spiritual or religious context. Put simply; it’s when we let go of our external lives and look inward. Once looking inward, it’s easy to sense our lives actually exist here. The outside world can begin to feel less real, sort of like a mirage. There is a lot of truth to this idea.

A mirror of sorts…

I think the external world is born out of the the internal. Teachings from ancient texts also echoes this sentiment. Regardless, the external world is real enough. Our outer self, the self we show the world, is very real and important to take care of. We all need to provide the needed healthy food, healthy emotional environment and create wealth as needed so that we feel safe and happy. But that’s not the whole story is it?

Both our external and internal lives matter, and they are connected and dependent on each other. As we look inward we may begin to notice similarities between our inner and outer worlds . Just like the outer world where we are intertwined in our communities, internally as we peel back the layers of our consciousness, we begin to sense a deeper and deeper sense of interconnection also. This is the beginning of sensing the higher self. It is our higher self that is intertwined with the universal life force. The higher self is sort of like a conduit to the infinite energy of the universe with which we are connected. Scientifically speaking perhaps that sounds a bit out there but from a subjective point of view, this is what I’ve experienced.


another way to think about higher self

Let’s imagine a big tall tree with branches and a bunch of leaves, and imagine this tree symbolizes human life. The visible external world is like this part of the tree. A healthy personal life would have this same vibrancy. What’s going on underground with that tree? It has roots going deep into the earth, which creates stability, but also nourish the tree. We are also finding out tree roots sense the other trees in the surrounding area and communicate in whatever ways trees communicate (through underground fungal networks). link: (book: The Hidden Life of Trees).

This upper and lower idea is also similar to our lives. Our inner lives are like tree roots that are below the surface, they branch out again, invisible to the eye, and create stability and complex forms of subtle communication. If we don’t have a healthy and deep interconnected internal life, just like a tree’s roots, we dry up, become uprooted, and wither away, even if our visible branches are looking plentiful and green. Higher self meditation allows the connection with our roots to become more connected with our conscious life.

Something which is timeless…

The higher self exists in a special space between “us” and something which is timeless, does not have space limitations but is still connected to ‘us’. It’s easy to begin thinking of something like the idea of “god” or a similar spiritual concept. It’s funny and interesting how quickly the subject moves right into this exact subject. Anyways, the higher self is where you intersect with this ‘god’ type of flow/energy.

You can feel your identity, and at the same time feel the vastness of life. You can feel the innate support and love of life, as well as feel your own identity. If you move one step more in the ‘life force’ energy direction, you will begin to experience the timeless ‘all space encompassing’ life force without your ego anchoring you into a unifying being-ness. From this position, ‘you’ and ‘sensing’ will stop being the words that explain it because the position of experiencing would be from the timeless/formless and no longer you (make sense? Maybe not, no worries). But that is a step beyond what we’re discussing today.

Let’s backtrack and clarify: higher self meditation is consciously connected with a much larger sense of self. Often this larger sense of self is described as “god” (or other spiritual phrase). Religious and spiritual practices such as Buddhism or Christianity have rituals and practices they use to connect with the large life force. Each framework allows for unique experiences. When you are connecting through higher self meditation, you will be experiencing the same timelessness quality of love and support. Whether through a spiritual practice or having developed a solid personal practice, there will be many similarities.


higher self meditation: Spiritual vs non-spiritual

The definition of higher self on Wikipedia, right from the top explains higher self in terms of spiritual teachings. Connecting with your higher self can be experienced through a spiritual lens but it doesn’t have to be. You will be getting in touch with some pretty powerful experiences either way so its just up to how you’re choosing to filter the experiences through your conscious mind.

You can experience this powerful energy when you are in higher self meditation: sitting, experiencing yourself, and opening up your awareness. But just because you are sitting and meditating doesn’t mean you will experience something extraordinary right away. What makes these experiences possible is when you drop your conscious thinking and controlling mind. This allows your sense of self to connect with the larger flow inside of you.

Once your sense of “self” opens up, this is where the higher sense of self can begin to flow through you. Higher self will always be the experience of love and ultimate trust and acceptance. It can also be experiences through what we call ‘negative emotions’, grief, pain, or deep sadness. When you are in touch with your higher self the experience of negative emotions change a lot. If you trust in your process, instead of feeling alone and scared, the feelings of sadness and grief can be accompanied by love and acceptance.


Personal and inter-personal function of higher self energy

Developing ‘listening and watching’ energy is the nuts and bolts of creating a more profound connection between your internal and external world. By continually returning to the simple practice of listening throughout your day (listening to your body, sensing life, watching your body and mind, feeling its pulsing, and seeing where your body connects with your consciousness) you will be strengthening this connection. Your higher self flows through sensations that your awareness is being drawn to sense in your body. As your listening skills develop, this process gets easier but still demands equal attention and focus.

As I’ve mentioned a few times, sitting in meditation, specifically higher self meditation, will allow for a much deeper, broader experience of yourself. This type of experience is good because it allows for a more conscious and concentrated time to open up to a larger sense of yourself. You can also share this experience with others either in a meditation situation or in a regular day-to-day situation. Once you are familiar with the process of connection with yourself, you can go into that feeling and then expand it to include others.

If there is a general openness, higher self meditation energy will naturally flow to encompass both of you. You can experiment and see how this goes. I’ve tried it in many situations; as long as you are not attempting to control the situation, you are creating a bigger opening for the infinite, timeless energy to flow into your situation (attempting to control: #1 way to screw up any energetic situation). Those connected in the situation will unconsciously feel and be also connected. This is the listening and watching energy.

Exploring a deeper relationship with your life through higher self meditation

When sitting in higher self meditation, what can we expect? What is necessary to improve your life? How can you gain insight into your life challenges? Are you able to make real change? How are you able to steer your life in the direction that honors you? The ability to make a difference in your life depends on two things with respect to connecting with your higher self. 1) connecting deeply. 2) the ability to stay connected.

Both of these take consistency and time to develop. When you make a conscious connection to your higher self that’s great. The next step is to begin to make it a habit. When you are open to the connection throughout your day, it will take hold. At a certain point, you will feel this deeper connection as part of your daily life.

Going deep…

How do you connect with your life more deeply? What does connecting more deeply mean exactly? Connecting deeply with your higher self is subjective. What it means to you will change as your ability continues to develop. At first just being able to feel a connection will be an exciting breakthrough. This will probably happen during a sitting meditation session, where you have cleared your mind and are open and relaxed enough so that your thinking mind quiets down. This means the most immediate layer of your inner ‘chatter’ dies down.

Once this layer of inner chatter dies down you will then begin to feel more subtle movement deeper inside yourself. At first, you will simply notice less mental chatter. When your conscious mind clears of chatter, your ability to sense and connect will begin to move to the elements underneath the chatter. That will be your first experience with a deeper connection. As I mentioned above, this experience should bring a sense of calm, connection, trust, and grounding. The experience of a larger sense of self happens when you can relax control of your awareness, your mental chatter dissipates, and you begin to sense a more subtle type of energy flowing inside. It’s right there inside you. Right below the surface of your sense of self.


Integrating the benefits of higher self into your whole life

Finding (ie feeling) a deep connection in your life is important. The equally important element needed is being able to stay connected. It may be challenging enough to find one pocket of time to relax and open up to your higher self. It’s altogether another challenge to feel that you can integrate the same experience throughout your waking life. It may seem impossible, but It’s definitely possible, the only caveat being you will perhaps need to change your understanding of what it means to be connected all day.

If you’re imaging this means you are a calm collected Jedi monk all day, this will not happen, nor should you want it to. If you end up developing a deep full connection with your higher self, you will face all the challenges you do today, but with a much more aware manner. Perhaps repeating the metaphor of the tree roots is applicable. When your external and internal life have a good connection, it’s like adding super strong roots to a tree. You simply won’t be blown around as much as before. It won’t be possible.

Staying connected…

Once you can reliably find a connection while sitting in mediation, the next step is to notice your relationship to this feeling throughout your day. There is little you can do to force it. And more than anything else, at first, being able to check-in and sense the disconnect is what will do the most work for you. If you can sense when there is a disconnect in your day, be aware of what that feels like. You will begin to notice the contrast.

Two things moved me in the direction of being more connected in my life. The first is simply spending time in meditation for longer periods. When you consistently challenge yourself to improve your energetic focus, the amount of time, and the depth, this naturally strengthens your bond with your higher self. Second, spending time connected with your higher self will bring you a sense of fulfillment. Being disconnected from this type of abundance will begin to feel less and less pleasurable. Wanting to avoid the feeling of disconnection will naturally push you to to stay connected. When you become accustomed to connecting with your higher self through meditation, all it will take is to notice you are not connected to pull you back into that special place where you feel connected.

Connecting with your higher self is personal, treat it that way

Everyone is different. Someone may have never felt their higher self. Others may feel they can connect with the feeling when they are hiking. Some people may feel connected when they meditate. Others find it hard for them to focus when meditating, so they feel too frustrated to calm down and connect with their higher self. If that’s you, Im going to touch on other options to create a meditative like connection if you’re getting resistance with the idea of meditating.

The most direct way to interface with your higher self is through meditation, so it’s a good idea to learn higher self meditating. The goal should be to be open and available: sitting in silence and available for your connection with your higher self. How this happens is you clear away enough of your thinking mind so that your awareness can sense and connect with the deeper, more subtle flow that is part of you. You will connect with a greater sense of ‘you’ as well as the universal flow of life itself. At first, it will feel like nothing. After you sit for a long enough time will eventually begin to feel a huge difference between feeling ‘nothing’ and feeling ‘life force’. It’s all around you all the time, yet, invisible. Once you begin to feel it, you will never mistake it again once it clicks into focus.

Let’s talk about higher self meditation

I’ve been littering this post with mentions that meditation is a great way to connect with your higher self. Let’s start talking about this specifically. I call this type of meditation: higher self meditation (for obvious reasons). Sitting in a quiet state, focusing inward is the general idea for meditation. Choosing to connect with your higher self is an awesome idea. This type of meditation differs from other types only so much in that it’s what you are paying attention to while sitting. If you begin regularly sitting with the intention of discovering a deeper connection with your higher self, eventually, your mind will relax and open up, and your awareness of yourself will begin to integrate with something much larger. When this happens, you will be able to feel a deeper part of yourself that supports your everyday sense of yourself.

Any meditation, more or less, will bring you to a similar state, but with this intention in mind, you will begin to follow a thread that connects your identity with a much larger timeless sense of self in a more conscious manner. This can be extremely powerful because it can give you a feeling of empowerment. You have direct access to all of the universe’s life force, with only your intention to follow your awareness a few steps to where your limited self mixes with your higher self.

In time….

You can feel the vulnerability of being a fragile body and mind in this world, mixed with the all-knowing eternal, powerful flow of the universal life force. That is quite a mix. In time you will catch on to one of the deepest kernels of wisdom: you are part of a much larger life-force. It’s infinite and all-knowing, and all life is connected. All these somewhat clique new-age ideas will become self-evident to you. Maybe corny to say it, but your body will feel it. Once your body feels this to be true, any defensiveness that you carry around with you, inferiority or fake superiority, will become less of an issue because it will be inconsistent with your knowing and, more importantly, your physical body knowing, that you are safe and loved no matter what.

Accessing your higher self through meditation, and other activities

Aside from sitting meditation (higher self meditation), you can connect with your higher self to a certain degree any time you are let go of your thinking mind and move into a flow state. Flow state is when your mind, body, and spirit are all in alignment and are in the state of inspiration. During this time your sense of limitation drops away and there is a connection to your higher self through whatever activity you’re engaged in. Discovering what activities or types of thinking/doing are right for you to slip into your Flow state is worthwhile.

Just like being in higher self meditation, your thinking mind relaxes, and a connection with your higher self begins to occur. Because you’re interfacing this experience with some activity, you may be less aware of the process and connection with your higher self and more aware of clicking into your flow state. This may be easier for many people to explore their higher self because it includes an activity they enjoy and excel at, rather than stripping away everything and sitting in higher self meditation.

If mediating is a roadblock for you, then forget it for now and consider another way could be a more practical option. A hobby or skill is another option. It’s just you, connecting with your passion and finding your heightened sense of self in time and space. If you can develop a deeper sense of connection with an activity, it is worthwhile to notice yourself while in this state. Watch and see how you’re feeling. If you’re able to do this, you might begin to see your connection with your higher self during these periods.


Sharing higher self energy in all areas of your life

Activities that connect your body and mind will connect you with your higher self. The ingredients are: relaxing your thinking mind, allowing your awareness to be free to flow and move about. This basically describes “flow state”, which brushes up against the idea of being connected with your higher self. It could be anything you enjoy doing.  Dancing, singing, or getting in the zone while coding, working out math problems, or training dogs (a few random explains).

When you open up and unify with a larger sense of purpose and feel that flow, that is moving in the direction of connecting with your higher self. It is using an activity to interface with the higher self energy, which is very good. Once you can experience opening up in your life this way, and you know the feeling, it’s possible to find the same feeling in yourself in more areas of your life. Try to find this feeling when you wake up in the morning. Try o find this when you’re connecting with a good friend or lover. It’s an exciting process to investigate, and who knows, perhaps you will be able to live more of your life being blessed with this unique energy.


finding your own path

Higher self meditation and the concept of higher self usually refers to something in the spiritual realm. As I mentioned above, on the wiki page entry for ‘higher self’, most of the page is discussing it through the lens of different spiritual practices. For those committed to a religion or spiritual practice, your spiritual belief system can be used to support your meditation practice. Each religion uses rituals such as praying, meditating, singing, going into a trance state, channeling, etc., to move people into a higher self experience, often through a shared group experience.

Even if we don’t identify with a specific religion or spiritual practice, we can still learn from the teaching and rituals, as they hint as to how we might consider our own way to find this heightened state. There is no one right way to find this experience in your life. The tried and true saying goes something like: ‘There are many roads, but one path’… Anyways, the actual defining characteristic of finding your own unique experience is being brave and open enough to find your own way. Your path to your higher self (experiencing the unifying energy of the universe), is going to be uniquely yours and no one else’s.


Creating your own process

There are many benefits gained by having a personal connection with your higher self. Once you connect the dots, maybe you begin to feel you’d like to have a deeper connection in your life as well. How do you know what will work best for you? Usually, it’s pretty obvious what is grabbing your attention. Does meditation seem interesting? Does learning about a spiritual practice engage you more, or does keeping it more personal seem more your style?

There is no right answer. And no need to make a big deal about it. Thinking too much might make it seem more challenging than it needs to be. If that’s your feeling, like it’s some complicated process, take a deep breath, exhale, and I’ll tell you, no, it’s not complicated. Remember, the higher self is part of us that’s meant for us to experience, and with a little time spent relaxing into it, you will begin to find your footing.

There is one thing to consider. Whether you want to focus on connecting more directly with your higher self or just want to explore the process of having more inspiration in your life through a certain hobby or perhaps finding more flow in your profession or your relationships, both are valid. I think it’s good to develop a direct experience through high self meditation, but everybody’s unique path is super important, and it’s important to trust your intuition. If the thought of sitting down and meditating doesn’t appeal to you, trust that feeling for now. Maybe you’re more drawn to feeling the glow and inhibition of an activity. If it’s dancing or playing drums, then go with exploring your higher self through an activity you love or want to develop.

trust your process…

If you do prefer to explore your higher self through an activity, my thought is that is it one step removed from the act of higher self meditation. That is not a bad thing necessarily; discovering your flow state through an activity is fairly common and is similar to connecting with your higher self. It’s important to remember that when you use an activity to connect with your higher self, that connection can be compartmentalized within the activity itself. This can mean you’re not able to transfer the amazing benefits you’ve gained from connecting with that activity into all other aspects of your life. I think higher self meditation translates these benefits to all areas of your life. But for now, let’s keep it simple. However you want to explore a connection with your higher self, trust it, and know it will lead you to many gifts in your life.


belief systems are powerful. Choose wisely

Before getting into any suggestions for ‘how-to’s, let’s take a broad look at what we think of when we think of the phrase ‘higher self’ and ‘higher self meditation’. When someone mentions their higher self, my understanding is they are implying it’s coming from the best part of themselves, coming with a little blessing from god. 

There is another sort of funny one I remember from cartoons from when I was a kid. When some character needed to make a decision, and the outcome varied a lot based on their intentions. It was symbolized with a devil on one shoulder and an angel on another, both trying to push their influence. The higher self would, of course, be the side with the angel. This symbolic set-up implies we have positive and negative influences inside us. And we can choose which side we listen to. Point being, how we connect with our best or worst versions of ourselves is flexible. It depends on our will; what we are listening to internally to a large extent.

Higher self mentioned in popular culture mainly came from new-age spiritually. Wikipedia, when discussing this new age connection, says: ‘This Higher Self is essentially an extension of the worldly self’. I agree, and that is more or less what I’m saying as well. 


beliefs are flexible…

Consider the stark difference between feeling you have an innate connection to a personal support system, always there for you. Vs. Life is only the physical here and now, with no options to move past your personal feelings. The belief that we have choice and flexibility in our connection to reality can be a live saver. There is nothing more deadening than to believe the ‘alone feeling’ we all have at one point or another is the ONLY reality that is here for you. 

How wonderful it is to have a belief system (and real experiences)) that say you can open your life to the support of a higher power, and that this energy can flow into you when needing help. Or, if you prefer a non-spiritual belief: you can go from mundane to genuinely engaged and inspired by harnessing your minds’ natural ability to connect with peak experiences and flow states. Moral of the story: what you believe can save your life. You can get through the very low moments if you understand you have options. You can work through your current state and change it. If you are feeling dead inside now, you have the opportunity to move through that ‘feeling’, to a sense of connection and support.


Meditation and channeling

There are several ways to connect with your higher self which are more on the spiritual side. The first that comes to mind and the ways that I’ve used often are meditation and channeling. Practicing higher self meditation is easy to start right away. It may take a little while to experience the benefits, but sitting in silence and putting the time in, you can at least feel you are going through the motions.

Channeling seems to be a bit more fickle of a process. Getting your ‘everything’ set up, so you are comfortable with letting words flow out of your mouth, such that you feel you’re channeling them, and not deciding the words consciously, can take a while. For some, it can happen right away; others need time to become aware of the feeling, then transfer that feeling into a more active mode and take the next steps to begin letting the words come out. Mediation and channeling are forms of engaging with your higher self. Higher self meditation is on the passive side of just observing (observing is a action, so even in meditation, there is an active component), and channeling is a mix of passive and active. Both of these forms I’ve used a lot in my life, and they have enriched my life immensely.

I have also used prayer a bit, praying to no specific god or religion. I’ve often heard people turning to prayer when they encounter challenges that overwhelm them. Some people have told me that praying for them is an extremely spiritual experience. I assume many people in challenging times, even if they don’t feel it, are creating a deeper connection with their higher self and finding the internal (and universally interconnected) support they need to move through that challenge or uncertainty.


Finding your higher self in a hobby

Realize that the activities you love can be a doorway into more profound meaning and fulfillment in your life, you can also transform the mundane tasks that you haven’t considered to be worthwhile to value. When we choose to open our lives to be more fulfilling, we set off a positive chain-reaction within our community, family and friends. When we allow our lives to flow more in tune with our inspiration (our higher self), as we change to be more in tune with this type of energy, it can’t help but rub off on those around us. People prefer to stay in their repetitive habits, but when the sensation that someone (maybe you) engages in provides more of an inspired position, this creates a feeling of “wow, I want to be around this person”.

For a moment, think about the activities you love to do, as well as somethings that either you don’t enjoy or just never really thought about. The next time you engage with that activity, consciously pay attention to how you feel and begin to invite your higher self to be connected as well. Just put that intention out there; each time you engage with this activity, sense yourself, and invite your higher self, and notice how you feel. It’s a mini meditation, actually. It’s including your self-awareness with your activity (mix in a little ‘no expectations’ for good measure), just paying attention.

Always be thankful…  😉

Extra credit when the activity is finished; you can even thank your high self for connecting with you during that time. You don’t need to know how or why this might help; just pay attention. If it feels silly, I promise once your relationship with your higher self develops more, it won’t feel silly. This is because When you begin to feel a deeper connection with your life, you will feel gratitude and warmth for yourself and your process.

Instilling your daily routines with a deeper sense of meaning is a game-changer. If you haven’t figured it out by now, I’m not referring to a cognitive thinking, logical understanding of meaning. It’s a physical experience. It’s a ‘feel-it-in-your-gut’ type of understanding.


Non-Spiritual example of higher self: flow

I want to touch on the idea of flow state briefly. The experience of flow state intersects with a similar feeling I’d like you to discover when actualizing your higher self, specifically if you begin to explore higher self meditation. The phrase flow state refers to the state you are in when you’re, you guessed it, in a flow, when you’re in a groove, and everything is flowing and grooving; where your focus and connection to the situation at hand are all synced up.

The specific phrase ‘flow state’ was coined in1975 by Mihály Csíkszentmihályi (Flow state and Mihály Csíkszentmihályi are worth looking into more if you’re curious). I bring up flow state because it shares many qualities with meditation, experiencing deeper meaning in your life, and having a connection with your higher self. Flow state is more relevant when considering external activities. In contrast, higher self meditation is a practice meant to enhance your life through internal development.

Five points…

Five components for improving your chances of entering flow state (which relate more holistic to your life in general) are regular exercise, engaging with new experiences or information (reading non-fiction is a dependable option [not podcasts actual but reading]), meditation (don’t mean to be repetitive but had to put it in there), box breathing (a great way to center yourself and connect your body and mind), and immediate feedback loop: creating a system where you are getting immediate feedback on your given activity, which means whenever possible, make sure your activity is involving critical feedback from others regularly. If it’s a solitary actively, make sure there are clear metrics to indicate your improvements, weak and strong areas, which you revisit and critique regularly.


how to experience higher self meditation

Connecting with your higher self through meditation can be fun. For those who feel they never had the experience before, it can be extremely powerful. We are all already connected to our higher self and ‘life energy’, it’s the act of making the conscious connection that is powerful. Sitting in mediation, specifically higher self meditation allows for this connection to develop.

Sitting in silence is the first step. If you want to feel the effects of this type of meditation, you need to create a daily practice. Developing a habit of sitting for 20-30min each day will work. If you are able to sit each day for around half an hour (an hour is even better but perhaps too challenging to start with, and not a requirement), within a few weeks, your mind should begin to clear naturally. When the mental chatter dies down, you will begin to experience something like ‘inner weather’ (not an actual phrase, it’s something I just made up but seems appropriate). This experience is like moving energy, sort of a mix of physical, mental, and then spiritual energy (It a very interesting feeling).

A discovering waiting to happen…

At a certain point after your inner chatter calms down and you are sensing this type of energy flow, you will begin to notice your usual sense of self while you are sitting, and also a spiritual self; not two separate beings, but a feeling that you are more than your physical self. It’s hard to describe because it’s a knowing that is not based on a physical sense of knowing (like touching something), and it’s not a mental understanding (like understanding a new idea).

After putting the time in you begin to develop this sense. It’s your spiritual or energetic sense. Whether you have a belief system that accepts ‘spiritual’ energy or not is fine. You are beginning to sense in a new way, and beginning to sense something new. When your ‘higher self meditation’ practice begins to produce these results, it should begin to feel like a very special time for you because you are beginning to sense yourself in a new way.


My experience with higher self meditation

I remember when I was starting to meditate regularly. I was beginning to experience the mental chatter in my mind calming down and just feeling stillness with nothing else. For me at the time, it was unnerving actually, because I had never felt that before. It was challenging to sit and notice silence. My meditation teacher told me it was a good thing, so I trusted him. But at the time, I had no idea what was going on. It just felt uncomfortable.

Up until that time, when I was sitting, I was noticing my thinking mind and sensing my body. I was disciplined enough to keep going, and I understood the mission was to sit and feel my mind and body. Until that point, I had never felt inner silence nor had yet to experience the type of ‘inner weather’ mentioned above. It was only after my internal chatter calmed down that a more energetic related awareness could begin to develop. So, in the beginning, it’s often just about being committed to sitting and listening to your body and mind until they calm down enough for more subtle energy to appear.


Improving your life through higher self meditation

The challenges and successes for each person are unique, and your life journey is unique. Whether you are embracing something new or realigning an existing relationship, the process is always very personal. Each step is informed by how you understand yourself in context to your surrounding. By strengthening our awareness of our higher self, we are, in reference to the tree analogy I made earlier, nurturing our root energy.

When we become a being with deep, strong roots, we can support ourselves, our loved ones, and our community better. When our minds become clear, and we are able to connect deeply with the universal flow within us, we improve our ability to see ourselves and the external world more clearly. This is the true benefit of higher self meditation. As our connection grows, as with the tree analogy, the energy flows upward, nurturing our external life. The process is simple yet very subtle. First, discover the link to your internal life energy. Next, begin connecting deeply and strengthening and clarifying it by continued time and focus in higher self meditation. Then finally, this energy will naturally begin to bubble up and into your external life.


connecting daily with your higher self is important

You will need to connect daily or near-daily with higher self meditation if you want to make headway. In the beginning when you’re needing to work through your mental chatter and get used to sitting in meditation. Once you begin to notice the positive results, and it has become a habit that is improving your life in noticeable ways, it will be easier to do.


Noticing your improvements is important

Life is complicated. Each person’s journey, specifically your inner journey is complicated. noticing how you’re developing; gauging ‘what’s going on’, can be very complicated (and confusing to say the least!). I have gone through many layers of this. On the one hand, you will need to go through each layer yourself, and in time you will understand.

On the other, it’s beneficial to work with someone who can interpret what’s perhaps going on and help frame it in a way so you’re able to have perspective. That has been one of the most valuable things for me when working with my mentor (my teacher and now very good friend). In the beginning, each step can seem revolutionary, like a brand new world is opening up before your eyes, or it can seem as if nothing at all is happening, and you’re confused with what you’re supposed to be doing and looking for. Both situations can be helped with feedback from a trusted someone who’s been through a similar journey.

Watching / listening…

It’s helpful to be open to the experience you’re having. Whether it’s stubbornly minimal, or you’re finding lots of new experiences and notice your perspective shifting with how you see your reality. The watching part is what is important.

If you’re able to engage with what you’re experiencing and watching simultaneously, this is a good development. To ‘engage’ with your experiences this way means that you are listening/watching your awareness, as your awareness is engaged with experiencing. When you are listening (not engaged with) to the chatter in your mind, you are watching; when your inner chatter begins to clear, you are watching. And finally when you begin to sense a more subtle flow of energy moving inside you, you are watching. Each step, you are watching.


Creating a balanced life

We should aim for a balanced and healthy life. When we are not in touch with our higher self, this is when we begin to drift into areas of thought and action that don’t support us in feeling loved and supported. Integrating higher self meditation into your daily life is a way to go back to the basics of self-love and self-acceptance habitually.

When you are operating from a position of self-love, you will make choices that honor your higher purpose. Making time each day for yourself is important. Eating healthy predictable meals, having space in your day to check-in with yourself, regular exercise, and simple calming breath-work is the basis for a life embracing you in a positive manner, instead of feeling like you are struggling against you challenge. Creating time for higher self meditation each day can help move energy toward a self-supporting and loving lifestyle. Each element supports all the others, eating correctly, exercising, breathing, meditation, and space for creativity and exploration.


The big picture

Remember the roots of a tree. Imagine a tree that is thousands of years old, with roots that have grown deep underneath the ground. Imagine these roots, invisible to the eye, pulsing with life, continually sensing and communicating with all the other trees for miles around. The roots sharing information and knowledge about their health, needs, and what they are experiencing. Imagine throughout centuries these networks continue to grow and share. Above ground, these trees have grown tall and wise in ways only trees know how to do. The branches and leafs create shade and a home for other life forms, moving about gracefully in the wind.

Through the cold, warm, hot, rain, snow, and dry periods, day and night. Walking along a trail, each side populated with these trees, we can feel the life and breath in the fresh air. Touching the earth and feeling the trunks, there is something special about this environment. It’s easy to forget our origins, not from the scientific perspective, but from our souls’ perspective, remembering back to when you were so young that each new experience would spark wonder. Remember far back, deep into the shared human experience. There is something moving through each of us, shared through our spiritual bonds, transmitted through generations and bodies, peoples, around the world. The roots go very, very deep. Tapping into this is possible and very real.


Normalizing an amazing life

Connecting with your higher self through higher self mediation is the first step into developing a life that has an energetic component. When you’re able to feel you are connected energetically, and your sense of your higher self is something you’re able to check in with at will, then you have fostered a healthy, energetic life. When you can feel connected throughout your day with your higher self, you are operating from your best possible position.

This is not something you have or own; it’s something you’re able to experience and watch. Being deeply connected in your life, and in general feeling your life has meaning, is not a thing (It’s not a noun, its a verb); it’s a flow and process. Moving from ‘not feeling’ your connection to ‘feeling’ your connection is a journey, and the desire to start needs of course, to be noticed. If you feel that desire, remember to pay attention to where it’s coming from and how it feels in your body.


Starting your journey

Starting a journey to develop new skills and relationships is a thing. If you’re reading this, down to this end, it means Im not a horrible boring writer, and that you want a deeper connection with your life. You will always feel like a beginner when you are learning to open to the flow of life as it presents itself to you.That is what Ive discovered. I am a beginner, each step. I hope this was useful in some form.